HELP! I DON’T KNOW WHAT I’M DOING… - Weight Loss Part 3

It’s hard, and depressing figuring out how to lose weight, and if you’re not on the right path, or in the right frame of mind, it can do more damage than good, both mentally and physically. If you are hungry all the time then your mood is low and you have no energy. You will also give up very quickly, likely get very depressed about it and most probably comfort eat with your favourite carbs and sugars, and the pounds just pile back on. 

I know, I’ve done it! 

That’s why my biggest tip for changing your eating habits is to ask for help! Whether this is through an NHS dietician referral, online weight loss guides, joining a weight loss group, or speaking to friends and family, it is worth asking! Having the confidence to ask can be difficult, but sometimes you've just got to accept you can't do this alone, you need support. I definitely would not be where I am right now if it wasn't for the support and encouragement I've received.

I was referred to a dietician by my GP back in March. Four months on I still haven't had my first appointment, so I can't really comment on how useful/motivational a dietician really is. I can say however that you do need to be in the right frame of mind to accept dietary help from a medical professional. 

I was referred to a dietician in my early 20s, but at that time my self-esteem was still very low, pretty much thought the world was against me, and both my GP and dietician came across as a bit patronising. It didn’t help that they were both very skinny, so I most likely had my guard up a bit and convinced myself they didn't really understand how hard weight loss was. Needless to say, I had two appointments with my dietician and never went back... 

Since then my confidence has grown a lot! I'm more open about my weight, care less about what other people think and more willing to accept help, even from someone who looks like they've never been over weight in their lives. I would definitely welcome the advice of a dietician today, just need to get that first appointment!...

If, like me, the only thing you really want to spend money on is the food you are going to consume, then I'd recommend you take a look at the NHS' Weight Loss Guide. They have a twelve week weight loss programme you can follow, and it's free! I've not used it in the strict sense, but I have taken on board a lot of the advice in the weekly packs. If you are someone that needs structure to keep you on the right path, it could work for you. 

I would however avoid adverts for things like ‘the cucumber diet’, ‘the boiled egg diet’ etc. These are all about losing weight in a short space of time and aren’t designed to have any long term lasting effects. They might be ok if you only need to lose a few pounds to fit into a dress, but they are not suitable for life changing weight loss and could actually damage your health if you tried any of them long term. 

The best option has to be finding something that will provide those life changing results, and the tools to keep the weight off once you’ve lost it. Something that provides guidance, but most importantly, helps build your confidence.

The most valuable support, however, that I’ve found is a lot closer to home. Friends and family have been massively important in my weight loss journey. General praise and encouragement are vital to keep you motivated and boost your confidence. One person keeps calling me skinny, which I find hilarious as it’s far from true! 

But the right words can go a long way! 

And there are some folk whose words have been absolutely invaluable to me! Some have even reduced me to tears (in a good way). It's also quite nice when you haven't seen someone in a while and they say something like, "Wow you're seriously shrinking!" or "Where have you gone? You're disappearing!". This has happened to me several times in the past few weeks, now that my weight loss has become more apparent.

Another factor to consider is having someone you can confide in about your weight and how it makes you feel. Whether it’s a spouse, family member or close friend, it is good to have someone that you can be completely open and honest with. 

Although I have posted weekly updates on how much weight I have lost, I have not once admitted how heavy I was when I started, or what my weight is now. Maybe once I reach my target I’ll be brave enough to tell the world! In fact, up until about three months ago I had never told anyone how much I weighed. When I did finally tell someone, it was after I’d already lost about two and a half stone. I admitted my weight at that stage and my weight when I started, and I cried. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but also one of the best. 

It was like a massive weight had been lifted off my shoulders. 

Pardon the pun! I was upset yes, but I also felt an enormous sense of relief. My weight didn’t matter anymore, it was just a number. I am now able to freely and openly tell my confidant each week what my new weight is with confidence and delight. So if like me your weight is something you’ve always felt ashamed of, never wanted to talk about, I would recommend finding that person that you can confide in.

Of course friends and family can be useful when it comes to more practical advice too. Whether it's sharing their stories on what's worked for them, giving dietary advice when you ask for it, or something as simple as recommending a good cook book for low calorie meals. I think the best present I've received recently is a bunch of low calorie cook books, which I'm looking forward to getting stuck into! 

If you are on social media and have a specific question about food, stick it out there! You'll be surprised at who responds and the amount of useful advice you'll receive! My friends have definitely come to the rescue when I've gotten a bit stuck...

The ‘stuck’ feeling can occur for several reason. For me this has included a breakfast routine that was no longer working and the odd occasion where I lost less weight than expected. The first of these problems was solved by asking for suggestions on Facebook, which really worked a treat! I got quite a few suggestions and found one that worked for me. A month on and I’m still following the same breakfast routine! More about that later… 

As for the fluctuation in weight loss, this is to be expected. At the end of the day, if you are still losing weight, that’s all that matters. As a friend said, “A pound is a pound!”. It all goes towards the end goal. You’ll see from my weight loss chart below that sometimes the difference week by week is quite dramatic. Sometimes there’s a reason for it (like being away and letting loose a little) and sometimes there’s not, it’s just the way it is.

February to July 2017

Sharing your story, progress can also help motivate both you and others. The former being the main reason why I’ve been so public about my weight loss. But I have since received messages from people telling me that I’ve inspired them to try again, that they’ve lost 3lbs, 8lbs etc. Knowing that I’ve motivated just one person, let alone several, has been a massive boost to my confidence, and makes me even more determined to keep going. If I don’t, I won’t just be letting myself down, I’ll be letting everyone else down too. But of course, we’re not all sharers, and that’s ok!

*DISCLAIMER: Just a wee reminder that this is what has worked for me. There's no guarantee that it will work for everyone as we are all different. I’m not a professional!


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